Monday, March 12, 2007

eBiz Newbee Gold

What is more valuable to eCommerce newbies then a subscriber list, which is called the Gold of internet business?

I don’t remember which “You to can eCommerce” web site I went to first or which order but after reading lots of them I was totally hooked on the idea. But I had no idea of where to start or what to do next. What I did was more of a, “well what else could I do” then anything else. I started signing up for every free eCommerce newsletter I came across. And looking back, there was nothing better I could have done.

I signed up for almost everything that said free. I was looking, you could call it mining, for the most valuable thing on the internet. At the time I did not know what I was looking for, I just thought I would recognize it when I saw it. I did not know what it was called but I knew I needed it and lots of it.

There was one week that I was receiving over 100 emails per day. Now get this, I really did read them. The funny thing about it is, is that I did not have a clue what most of them were writing about. Some were writing about making money with AdSense, or building a business with affiliates or PPC or RSS or a dozen other things that I had no idea what they were about. But I kept reading. My excitement was going through the roof. I felt like a kid going down the Main Street of a state fair. The circus barkers shout their carnival acts, “Step right up, and see the Big Bucks Here!” Another shouts, “Come and see the worlds greatest List Builder.” I had no idea what all that meant but I was caught up in the excitement, so I kept reading.

I saved every newsletter that was not just a sales letter, and there were lots of them. So I realized that I had found my first email filter. I was discarding the straight sales presentations. The newsletters and emails that I saved were all brief, a page or two at the most, they made their point and then good-by, and I realized I found my seconded filter. I started looking for ways to sort out my long list of saved emails. I decided to sort them by subject matter. I made folders for the strange topics like, AdSense, Affiliates, NicheBuilders, and a few others. I was beginning to be familiar with the words and realized that a few of the newsletters were organized mini lessons and those got special treatment, a folder of their own, and a re-read.

I loved it when the news letters included attachments for free articles I could save to my hard drive. Some of these articles were short topics while a few were full length eBooks of over a hundred pages. I have down loaded articles of so many different topics I cannot begin to list them. I have a few articles on wait-loss, building quality muscles, and care of aquariums. One particular eBook stands out in my memory, “The Beginners Guide to RSS.” I briefly read it and wondered, how many beginners have a clue what RSS is?

Have you ever tried to do a project and you were not sure how to do it, so you looked at a number of different solutions and ways to get it done until you found what worked, then you focused onto just that? I was reading my emails when one of them spelled it out. The word is CONTENT. Content is not sales, it is not chatter it is not “I’m fine, how are you.” Content is the “how-to,” the meat, the constructive list, that takes data and turns it into information. I now had my last filter for my saved emails.

If the email subscriber list is gold then CONTENT is the shovel that digs it.

Here is a partial list of my newsletters. They are all worth checking out and reading what they say. If you come across any newsletters not listed that are a great help to you, please write to me and tell me about them.

If you have not signed up the newsletters listed then be sure to do so. I have listed them because I appreciate the quality of information they provide at such a great price, free.

I would like to commend all these many site managers. Not a single one ever spammed my computer. I say that so if you have an anxiety about spam, thought I’d let you know I never came a crossed it. I am not saying you wont, just that I did not.
William Charlwood - AdSense info
Stephanie Mulac
Case Stevens
Cody Moya (lots of great stuff)
eAuthorResources NewsLetter (Very good)
Jason James
Keith Choy
Mike Mazzella (A big help)
Nick Dunin
Munya |
eAuthorResources NewsLetter
**Seth Chong**
Shawn Casey (I re-read all of these.)
SFI Mktg Group

1 comment:

eBiz Video Maker said...


I agree that a subscriber list is gold. However, unless you feed that list golden info., it will be difficult, if not impossible, to build that list.

To your success!

eBiz Success - A Five-Part Process